Hockeyklubben Orient Lyngby
Orient LyngbyMembers and friends of Orient Lyngby, the current leading hockey club in Denmark.
In addition to the U12 team, Orient’s 1. Div-team also saw action today. Two games with home-field advantage in Lyngbyhallen against Gentofte and Sørbymagle and like the U12 team, also the guys took home two wins! In the first game against Gentofte, the crowd was treated to some well-disciplined hockey with excellent ball movement and outstanding personal actions from the Spanish/German/Dutch/South African offensive chain. Clinical execution in front of the opponent’s goal combined with a solid defense never left any doubt to the result, and a solid 6-0 win was in the bag after 40 minutes of hockey although Gentofte fought hard until the final whistle.
U12 i aktion.
On the last Sunday of January the first team travelled west to Slagelse to face Copenhagen and the hosts. With 5 more weeks till the championship round, the team was excited to play some games. With two games in a row without any rest, Orient new they were up for a though test.
U21 landsholdet spiller første kamp til EM 14.45 mod hjemmeholdet Schweiz.
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I søndags spillede Orients damer to intense hockeykampe mod stærke modstandere, København og Odin. På trods af udfordringerne med at spille uden målmand, var holdgejsten på sit højeste, og vi gav alt, hvad vi havde, på banen.

Om os
Orient Lyngby er en over 100 år gammel hockeyklub fra 1907. Klubbens herrehold har siden indførslen af officielt DM i 50’erne ligget i toppen af hockeyligaen.
Hockeyklubben Orient Lyngby
Lundtoftevej 53, 2800 Kongens Lyngby